致爱心人士的感谢信 Thank You Letter to the Caring People

We would like to thank all provincial units, people's organizations, democratic parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce for your full mobilization and active participation. You roused to action at the call of the Party and government. Y...

2月3日,团队在会客室入口遇到巴赫先生,他客气地说,“After you please. Thank you for your excellent work yesterday!(你们先请,感谢您们昨天的出色救治!)”作为北京奥运保障团队的一...

“Thank you Beijing”高频出现 让冬奥村里暖意融融 2月7日,在高山滑雪女子大回转项目比赛中,美国选手尼娜·奥布莱恩不慎摔倒在地。中国滑雪医生1分钟就赶到伤员身边救治,伤员随后被送...

太谢谢你了。 I can’t thank you enough. 对你怎么感谢都不够。 I really appreciate it. 我真的很感激。 That’s so kind of you. 你太好了。 I owe you one. 我欠你个人情。 怎么样 这些知识点 你都掌握了吗? 赶快学以致用“飒”起来! 监制:武迪 审校:陈艳妹 郑巍 ...

I will always be together with you. Today, I would like to salute every nurse and doctor, for their contribution, especially those who have lost their lives. Thank you. Xi Yanchun: Thank you very much, Professor Cao Bin. I’m sure your words repres...

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